KITFT is a 100% catch and release tournament
Following the successful introduction, in 2022, Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) is a 100% catch and release tournament.
With the use of the innovative Keepnet app anglers place the fish on a measuring mat, read the length and release the fish unharmed back into Kariba. The length of the fish is the scoring measure. With the many years of data recorded for this tournament and for the tiger fish species we have come up with a formula that equates a length in centimetres to a number of points. This equation is applied across the board and it is the same for every angler that uses the app.
Catch and release fishing improves native fish populations by allowing more fish to remain and reproduce in the ecosystem. This practice provides an opportunity for increasing numbers of anglers to enjoy fishing and to successfully catch fish. Releasing fish caught while fishing in the Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) will help to ensure that enjoyment of this recreational opportunity will last for generations to come.
In catch and release fishing anglers release tiger fish - unharmed - back to the water where they are caught. When done correctly, catch and release methods result in high survival rates.