KITFT is a 100% catch and release tournament
Following the successful introduction, in 2022, Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) is a 100% catch and release tournament.
With the use of the innovative Keepnet app anglers place the fish on a measuring mat, read the length and release the fish unharmed back into Kariba. The length of the fish is the scoring measure. With the many years of data recorded for this tournament and for the tiger fish species we have come up with a formula that equates a length in centimetres to a number of points. This equation is applied across the board and it is the same for every angler that uses the app.
Catch and release fishing improves native fish populations by allowing more fish to remain and reproduce in the ecosystem. This practice provides an opportunity for increasing numbers of anglers to enjoy fishing and to successfully catch fish. Releasing fish caught while fishing in the Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) will help to ensure that enjoyment of this recreational opportunity will last for generations to come.
In catch and release fishing anglers release tiger fish - unharmed - back to the water where they are caught. When done correctly, catch and release methods result in high survival rates.

KITFT working with the Tony Waite Organisation for the Community
The Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) have aligned ourselves with the Tony Waite Organisation which has a vision of providing a healthy community that is able to support each other in issues of HIV and AIDS and other developmental related issues. Its mission is to capacitate communities to be able to participate in HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support professionally in order to have a knowledgeable community.
Tony Waite Organisation was formed after the death of Tony Waite a Kariba resident who suffered full blown AIDS and went public about his HIV status in 1991. He was born in 1935 and died at 57 years of age. He worked for Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) in Kariba and left a will to look after orphans. He grew up as an orphan and never got married and died in January 1992 which saw the formation of Tony Waite Foundation in 1993.
During the 2022 Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) the committee donated food to the under privileged in the surrounding communities. This was made possible by the generous donations listed below.
We hope to improve on this in the years to come and look forward to working with the Tony Waite organisation for the betterment of the community.
10 cases Life milk
10 cases Revive Maheu 250ml
5 cases Probrands Value Rice
3 cases Ideal Peanut Butter
500kg of rice
500kg maize
1500kg potatoes
500kg mealie meal
500kg maize
Poulty Feed - 5 x 50kg
Cooking Oil
Rice - Red Seal 3 x 10 x 2kg
Maize meal - 20 x 10kg
Biscuits - 3 x 20 x 250g
Red Seal Instant Porridge - 5 x 10 x 1kg
Soya Delights - 5 x 10 x 1kg
20 x 500g Pre-packed Kapenta
20 x 10 x 500g Overnight Maheu