KITFT 2024 - Registration & Pre-Tournament Excitement!
KITFT 2024 - Highlights Day One
KITFT 2024 - Highlights Day Two
KITFT 2024 - Highlights Day Three
Ezytrack Recorded Statistics KITFT 2024
wdt_ID | Statistic | Day One | Day Two | Day Three |
1 | Fastest Boat | 109 km/hr Charter X Glow Petroleum | 127 km/hr Charter X Glow Petroleum | 122 km/hr Charter X Glow Petroleum |
2 | Max distance covered by a single boat | 199 km | 360 km | 329 km |
3 | Total Fleet Milage for the Day | 11,314 km | 11,928 km | 12,018 km |
4 | Total Accumulative Fleet Mileage | 11,314 km | 23,242 km | 35,260 km |
KITFT 2024 Top Ten
1st Placed Team
124.02 points

2nd Placed Team
Charter X Glow Petroleum
76.69 points

3rd Placed Team
Triple F
72.87 points

4th Placed Team
68.22 points

5th Placed Team
Zambezi Drift
65.06 points

6th Placed Team
The Bottom Line
64.7 points

7th Placed Team
60.38 points

8th Placed Team
Polachem Agri Anglers
58.29 points

9th Placed Team
Mednet Charter 2.0
55.49 points

10th Placed Team
55.18 points

KITFT 2024 Trophy Winners
Autoparts Trophy
Best Weighbay

Ray Murrell Trophy
43rd Place
HB Odyssea - 7.79 points

Keays Trophy
Most Teams Entered by Club

John Austin Trophy
Ladies Largest Fish
Stephanie Davy - 50cm

Bey Trophy
Individual Ladies Most Points
Shelly Johnston - 6.46 points

P Van Heerden Trophy
Longest Fish Day 3
Keegan Bray - 62cm

Fishermans Corner Trophy
Individual Total Points
Duncan Le Roux - 50.85 points

Fulton & Evans Trophy
Individual Largest Number of Fish
Pardon Pepukai - 27 fish

Kodak Floating Trophy
Ladies Team Highest Points
Hamba Bamba Babes - 10.04 points

Rory Battis Trophy
Team Heaviest Catch on any One Day
Jongosi- 51.469 points - Day 2

Paulsen / Sir Roy Welensky Trophies
SADC Team / Non Zimbabwean Score
Hamba Bamba Babes - 10.04 points

Benians & Purdy / KITFT Trophies
Largest Fish of the Tournament
Luke Wheeler - 68cm

John Clark Trophy
Longest Fish Day 2
Barney Rodgers - 66.5cm

Godfrey Pretorius Trophy
Team Most Points Day 2
Jongosi - 20 fish - 51.469 points

Fishermans Corner Cup
Longest Fish Day 1
Luke Wheeler - 68cm

Hurlbatt Trophy
Team Most Points Day 1
Jongosi - 20 fish - 40.484 points

KITFT 2024 Magazine
KITFT is a 100% catch and release tournament
Following the successful introduction, in 2022, Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) is a 100% catch and release tournament.
With the use of the innovative Keepnet app anglers place the fish on a measuring mat, read the length and release the fish unharmed back into Kariba. The length of the fish is the scoring measure. With the many years of data recorded for this tournament and for the tiger fish species we have come up with a formula that equates a length in centimetres to a number of points. This equation is applied across the board and it is the same for every angler that uses the app.
Catch and release fishing improves native fish populations by allowing more fish to remain and reproduce in the ecosystem. This practice provides an opportunity for increasing numbers of anglers to enjoy fishing and to successfully catch fish. Releasing fish caught while fishing in the Kariba International Tiger Fish Tournament (KITFT) will help to ensure that enjoyment of this recreational opportunity will last for generations to come.
In catch and release fishing anglers release tiger fish - unharmed - back to the water where they are caught. When done correctly, catch and release methods result in high survival rates.